At HP House Cleaning we specialize in house cleaning in New York City. Our team of highly trained professionals is responsible for leaving your home spotless, providing quality and reliable service. Let us take care of the cleaning while you enjoy your free time!

Room cleaning
- Move all things and furniture
- Dust off
- Clean the corners
- Tender the beds
- Dust the lamps and fans
- Clean furniture on the outside
- Vacuum
- Mop the floors with their appropriate liquids.

Deep room cleaning
In this cleaning service we carry out only the following works described below.
- Cleaning of rooms
- Dust off
- Clean the corners
- Make the Beds
- Clean furniture on the outside
- Pass the vacuum}
- Mop the floors with their appropriate liquids.

Bathroom cleaning
- Quitar el polvo
- Duchas limpias
- Limpiar el inodoro
- Limpiar las bañeras del baño.
- Paredes limpias
- Limpiar el lavabo de manos
- Limpiar ventanas
- Limpiar todos los productos de uso personal en el baño.

Deep bathroom cleaning
In this cleaning service we carry out only the following works described below.
Dust corners
cabinets on the outside
the corners of the kitchen
the toasters
Coffee makers
Refrigerators outside
Pass the vacuum
Pass Map

Kitchen cleaning
- Dusting the corners
- outdoor cabinets
- microwave
- the corners of the kitchen
- the toasters
- Coffee makers
- Inns
- tables
- refrigerators

Deep kitchen cleaning
In this cleaning service we carry out only the following works described below.
Dust off
Clean showers
Clean the toilet
Clean the bathroom tubs
Clean walls
Clean the hand sink
Clean windows
Clean all products for personal use in the bathroom.
Pass the vacuum
Pass Map